We had another book club meeting last Wed. night at  Blossum on Carmine St.  It was probably the best meal we have had so far.  We have been sticking with vegetarian restaurants which have been okay but Blossum was really good!

We discussed the book  Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living by Pema Chodron.  We all agreed it was a great book and a book you could keep coming back to because the topics were very intense.  Pema Chodron talks about embracing rather than denying painful aspects of our lives.  This was a totally new concept for me.  I had heard of Tonglen meditation but I guess I was never ready for it.  I have started using Tonglen Meditation more and really like it.  After reading this book I feel that I have a new tool to use.

Our next book is Everyday Blessings by Jon Kabot-Zinn.    Since I started my journey with Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction I have always wanted to read this book.  As my daughters get older I see that parenting gets more intricate and complicated.  I also feel that teenagers are like cats, which sort of sounds simplistic but was a revelation for me.  They want you when they want you and when they don’t,  they don’t and you are just bugging them.  When they do want to talk to you, be there, because the opportunity will be gone.  Being more mindful is always the overall goal. I am really looking forward to reading this book.